Blind Date
  • Blind Date

Blind Date

Pick One

In cart Not available Out of stock


Here's the deal there are TWO ways to get romantic with the Great Moose this month.

1) In Stock: I will choose two lovely cassettes from our currently available stock, they will be wrapped in black, and you won't know which one you're getting until you get 'em. Simple, sexy, and - did I mention sexy?

2) Pre-Order: I will


Here's the deal there are TWO ways to get romantic with the Great Moose this month.

1) In Stock: I will choose two lovely cassettes from our currently available stock, they will be wrapped in black, and you won't know which one you're getting until you get 'em. Simple, sexy, and - did I mention sexy?

2) Pre-Order: I will apply your money to TWO random tapes that are currently up for pre-order. That means these are not produced, and are still subject to the same conditions as al pre-orders. However, it helps tapes get made, so it's kind of a cool option.

Either way, sometimes the most romantic thing you can do is buy tapes from a Moose-like lovecraftian horror, so make your choice.

Please Note: PRICE INCLUDES CANADIAN SALES TAX. If you live in the US or elsewhere use code "NOTCANADA" for 15% off of your order. If you use this code, and are a Canadian order, your order will be cancelled.

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